The Lodestar Agency Consulting Blog
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Guiding Insights for Future-Focused Agency Leaders

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Knowing When It’s Time to Reposition Your Agency
How do you know when it’s time to reposition your agency? It’s not always about fixing a problem—it might be about seizing an opportunity. Learn how to spot the subtle signals before they become full-blown challenges, and discover how repositioning can open new doors to growth, clarity, and market leadership.
The 5 Agency Growth Pathways: From Hustle to High-Margin Scale
This roadmap outlines the five pathways agencies typically move through to transition from transactional, project-based vendors to high-margin, market-leading firms. The most dangerous path is the one you stay on. Which path is your firm on? Where do you want to be? What combination of pathways will get you there?
Productizing Your Agency’s Value: What It Is, What It Isn’t, and Why It Matters
Productize your firm’s value, not its services. This guide explains the difference and how productizing value leads to greater market authority, stronger pricing power, and increased demand from premium clients.
Unlocking the Dynamics of Modern Marketing Procurement
Our industry is shifting toward value-led models with 74% of multinational brands planning to transition to outcome-based pricing models within the next three years. Here’s your playbook for navigating these trends and client expectations in the years ahead.
From Transactional Services to Scalable, High-Margin Growth
Top investors don’t scatter their capital randomly. They focus on high-return opportunities. Here’s how your agency can do the same—surfacing the most valuable, profitable client problems that your firm is uniquely qualified to solve, resulting in many strategic, financial, and operational benefits.
The Expertise Paradox: When Service Expansion Becomes Value Destruction
When a prospective client asks what your agency does, how do you respond? If you're like most agency leaders, you've perfected the art of saying "yes" with sophistication. Here’s what that looks like.
From Complexity to Clarity: Function Growth's Productization Success and Advice for Others
I interviewed Brian Russell, Managing Director of Function Growth, about why he turned to productization to overcome his firm's challenges, its impact on his team and clients, and his advice for other firms considering productizing their value. Here’s what he said.
Insights From Leaders of 3 Value-Led, Timesheet-Free Agencies
While many agencies wrestle with the limitations of a time-based revenue model, other firms have been embracing alternative compensation structures that prioritize value, performance, and outcomes. Here’s what three agency leaders said about their transition.
The Future of Agency Revenue: Products, Price Tiers, and an AI-powered Chief Pricing Officer
Agencies that use a value-led revenue model may need help when negotiating with price-driven buyers. Here’s how they can use the power of AI to guide their pricing strategy and negotiations.
Change is on the Horizon for the Agency Business Model
Labor-based compensation remains dominant in our industry, and most agencies remain designed to sell billable time. But this is about to change.
The Fleeting Relevancy of Agency Timesheets
Modern revenue models do not rely on billable hours, so agency leaders ask, "How can we effectively manage engagements without timesheets?" This question will seem logical for anyone who has worked in an agency, but it's the wrong question.
How Can I Make Changes to My Agency When We’re Too Busy?
Your agency is growing, but not well. Challenges are mounting. How can you take time to make needed changes to your agency when everyone is too busy?
How Do We Run a Client-Facing Retrospective Meeting?
Client-facing retrospective meetings are a great way to build trustful relationships with your client contacts. Here’s how to introduce this lightweight but powerful practice into your rhythm with your clients.
Project Debriefs Are Too Little and Too Late
“We only debrief on a project if something went wrong on the project or with a client.” Wouldn’t it be better to prevent this? Here’s how.
Becoming Aware of How Your Agency Is Wasting Away Its Margins
Let’s eliminate all the ways your agency is wasting away its margins. Once you know what to look for, you’ll see this everywhere. “Waste” is anything in your agency’s processes that prevents or slows down the delivery of value to your clients.
Fear of Focus is Limiting Your Potential
“We’re afraid our creatives will get bored and leave us.” This is one comment I hear from agencies when I talk about focusing their business on just a few service areas or a market segment. I also hear…
Why a Narrow Focus is Key for Your Agency
Many agencies make the mistake of assuming that if they were to focus on a specific service area or market segment, they would limit their growth potential– that a narrow focus doesn’t scale and equates to a small business. While this seems logical, it’s not true.
The Myth of “It’s Faster to Do It Myself”
“It’s just faster to do it myself.” A pair of Exec Creative Directors said this when I asked why they were finishing their team’s work rather than teaching them. It’s also why they were nearing burnout working weekends.
Why Your Employees Aren’t Actually Empowered
“I’ve told my employees they’re empowered, but I’m not seeing it.” I’ve heard this sentiment from a few CEOs, but to foster an empowering environment in your agency, make sure to add 3 other key ingredients.
Throw Out Your Job Descriptions
For greater accountability in your agency, throw out your job descriptions. The average job description is prescriptive and emphasizes activities over outcomes, which limits a person’s potential.