Your Clients and Employees Need You to Change Your Agency’s Operating Model

In a previous post, I shared that many agency leaders feel that it’s become increasingly tougher to maintain and grow their business. For some, their agency’s financial performance has plateaued as a result of their growth. For others, they feel their quality of work, speed, and culture isn’t what it needs to be. If this feels familiar, your agency’s operating model may be failing you. 

Other Agencies Have Been Here

There is a common set of challenges agencies experience when their operating model no longer serves its purpose. That purpose is to facilitate the execution of your agency’s business strategy. Let me be clear — your operating model serves your strategy. 

If thoughtfully designed, your operating model will — and should — also balance the needs of your clients, employees, and the realities of your business. Otherwise, your leadership team will find itself pulled in different directions to address a related mix of problematic issues.

Here are the challenges your agency will experience when your operating model is no longer doing what it should:


  • Compromised margins (< 20%)

  • High costs from rework

  • Late or over-budget projects


  • Unclear roles and responsibilities

  • Misalignment around client priorities

  • Inconsistent or absence of process


  • Poor digital-first or integrated thinking

  • Inconsistent quality across the agency

  • Too many internal revisions


  • Too many people involved in meetings

  • Too many wasteful meetings

  • Not enough time for actual work


  • Lack of accountability

  • Low team morale


  • Client concerns about turnaround time

  • Clients’ expectations are misaligned

How Other Agencies Have Overcome

Challenges like these cause what I refer to as “aspirational tension.” Your employees will begin pulling the current state of your agency (“what is”) toward their vision for how it could be better (“what could be”), but they will be fighting the model you have in place to fulfill that vision. That’s aspirational tension.

Agencies that have overcome these types of challenges have evolved their operating models to harness the power of aspirational tension. 

Tension is good. It means your people care about your agency and that they are looking for ways to change it for the better. Your job as an agency leader is to create an environment where those changes are allowed to happen. For many, this requires shifting the way they think about how work should get done within their agency. That’s why a cornerstone of your operating model should be a set of operating principles. 

Operating principles shape your employees’ mindset and behaviors in support of your strategy. I share more on principles here. 

The other components of your operating model should include:

  • Structure & Authority — providing guardrails that guide your people’s day-to-day decisions and actions down a pathway that supports your strategy.

  • Leadership & Talent Development — reskilling senior leaders to ensure supportive leadership styles and employee development are central to their work.

  • Practices, Processes, & Tools — designing ways of working that foster consistent team alignment, effective collaboration and coordination, and uninterrupted productivity.

Start With Where You Are

For most agency leaders, the work of transforming an agency’s operating model is new territory. It can feel daunting, but it doesn’t have to. With a pragmatic and systematic approach, you can begin reshaping your agency to achieve ideal performance outcomes. Start with where you’ve observed the most tension, and go from there.

If you’d like help uncovering and addressing the tension within your agency, we offer an introductory assessment and planning service for this purpose. Reach out to learn more.

Brian Kessman

Brian Kessman works with agency leaders who are ready to think differently and unlock their firm’s full growth potential.

As Lodestar's founder and principal consultant, Brian helps agencies move beyond billable hours and commoditized services to scalable, profitable models centered on client outcomes.

His strategies tackle the toughest agency growth challenges: redefining market position to attract premium clients; developing value-led pricing approaches to increase deal size; and creating diverse revenue streams for predictable income.

His programs deliver results. A full-service agency nearly doubled revenue from premium clients (from 36% to 73%) and increased overall income by 39%. A content agency grew a retainer deal size by 50%. Other firms boosted margins by optimizing their client mix, redesigning their offerings, and modernizing operations.

Brian is an inaugural member of the 4As Expert Network, and his transformative approach has been shared across the industry through presentations for Mirren, the 4A’s, AMIN, Magnet, Worldcom, and other top industry organizations. Combining hands-on and advisory expertise, he is a trusted partner to leadership teams looking to break free from outdated models and thrive in an era of disruption.


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